Data Policy

Privacy Statement


The operator of this website takes the protection of your personal data very serious. We treat your personal data confidential, in accordance to applicable law and this privacy statement. The usage of our website is in general possible without using personal data. If our website collects personal data (e.g. name, address, mail address) then this is done on voluntary basis. We will not transfer your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent.

We advise you that internet-based data transfer (e.g. in email communication) may not be completely safe. An all-over protection of data against third-party access is not possible.

Contact Form

When you use the contact form of this website for queries your data stated in the contact form including the contact data you sent will be stored at our computer systems so as to process your query and following questions or queries. These data will not be transferred to others without your explicit consent.

Google Analytics

This website uses services of Google Analytics, a web analysis service. The respective service provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses cookies. These are text files which are stored on your computer and which allow the analysis of your usage of our website. The information about your usage of our website which is generated through such cookies is typically transferred to a server of Google and also stored on such a server.

Browser Plugin

You can prevent the storage of cookies by respective adjustments of your browser software settings; however, we advice you that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of our website to their full extent. Additionally you can prevent the acquisition of cookie-generated data (including your IP-address) about your usage of our our website and their transfer to and analysis by Google downloading installing the browser-plugin available here: HTTPS://TOOLS.GOOGLE.COM/DLPAGE/GAOPTOUT?HL=DE

Objection against Data Acquisition

You can prevent the acquisition of your data by Google Analytics by clicking the following link. This will store an opt-out cookie, which prevents the acquisition of your data when you visit our website again: verhindert: GOOGLE ANALYTICS DEAKTIVIEREN

More information about the processing of user data at Google Analytics can be found in the privacy statement of Google: HTTPS://SUPPORT.GOOGLE.COM/ANALYTICS/ANSWER/6004245?HL=DE

Right to Information, Erasure, Blocking

At any time you have the right to be informed free of charge about your personal data stored by us, their origin and recipient, the purpose of the data processing, aas well as the right to correction, blocking, or erasure of your personal data stored by us. Please contact us using the addresses stated in the imprint for related questions of further questions regarding personal data.

Objection against Advertising Mails

The operator of this website hereby objects against the usage of the contact data given in the imprint for sending unsolicited advertising and information material. The website operator reserves legal measures in case of unsolicited provision of advertising information, e.g. through spam e-mails.